I feel that my blog posts have regularly met the majority of the criteria set forth by my professor. I am vigilant in making sure that my posts contain plenty of interesting facts, both from personal experience and research. As well as, attention grabbing phrases and plenty of pictures to help break up all the text and give the reader a visual to associate with the places I write about. I feel that I have done well to meet blog criteria, however, I believe that I can be overly formal and have a difficult time of not making a blog post sound like an essay or research paper and I spend entirely too much time on it. I believe it would be beneficial for me to work on my informal writing so as to make the reading more enjoyable and engaging.
Writing a blog still concerns me about what other people might comment on them. I am always worried that I won't have my facts straight, despite doing my best at researching them. That is why if I must write, I prefer to write about a place that I have visited. This way I know my personal account will help me be more accurate and potentially less formal than an essay that I'm used to writing.
I still aim to put my best foot forward and give an honest effort to my blog. I have been guilty of procrastination out of dread however, that does not stop me from being overly critical of my work and spending absurd amounts of time writing, editing, and re-writing. I will go crazy searching for the perfect word or phrasing and will move sentences around till I am dizzy. I definitely spend too much time on one piece and get frustrated but, I find it helps if I take a break and come back to it later.
I continuously review my blog before posting and long after I will still be re-reading and editing. I thoroughly check for grammar mistakes and make sure my post has a nice flow.
I am not fond of anybody from anywhere being able to read my blogs but, I am not too concerned with fellow peers reading them as I believe they are more likely to give constructive criticism. I hold my teachers and professors at the highest value of critic and would look to their advice above all others.
I would like for us to discuss ways to write informally, preferably while still remaining neutral.
I was surprised to learn that blogging has become increasingly popular as a reputable source of information.
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